Lama jugak yer aku tak jengok blog aku ni.Apatah lagi blog kengkawan yang lain.Okaylah kat sini aku nak share satu info yang amat penting dan semua orang kena tahu.Kebelakangan ni,banyak penipuan dah berlaku terutamanya penipuan kat Internet ni.Salah sorang pekerja kat MAB pun dah kena tipu dan habis duit gaji dia lesap,sian tau.Aku pun baru-baru ni dapat email dari CIMB dimana bank ni suruh aku verify aku nyer TAC.Okay,kat sini aku ada attach email yang aku dapat.Kepada sesapa yang dapat email macam ni,please ignorekan saja dan lagipun email ni diklasifikasikan sebagai Spam kat aku nyer email.Okay,korang baca eak...
Dear CIMB Bank customer,
We are hereby notifying you that we've recently suffered a DDos-Attack on one of our's Internet Banking server. For security reasons you must complete the next steps to verify the integrity of your CIMBClicks account. If you fail to complete the verification in the next 24 hours your account will be suspended.
Here's how to get started:
1. Log in to CIMBClicks online account (click here).
2. You must request for TAC online via CIMBClicks - your TAC will be sent via SMS to the mobile phone number you registered at the ATM.
( you can find the "request TAC" button in the left menu of your account )
3. Logout from your account and close the browser.
4. When you have received the TAC (Transaction Authorization Code) on your mobile phone, Log in to our secured verification server and submit the requested information(Account user ID, password and TAC).CLICK HERE to go on our secured server.
5. Please allow 48 hours for processing.
Jadi pada semua,Please be carefull yer.
normally bebenda ni automatically masuk dalam spam so i tak pernah plak lah bukak yang under spam ni..trus delete..huhuhu..sape kak su yang ilang duit tu?apahallah ngong sesangat gi sedekah duit gaji dia..hihihihi..kalu nak tahu normally maybank or cimb takkan bagi email ye kenkawan..diaorng akan antar surat..
my advice jgn sesekali click kat hyperlink... click direct, bukan "click here"
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